About Us

Coghlin & Upton Inc. has been in business for over 50 years and is devoted to researching, sourcing, and supplying modern military parade dress and accoutrements and authentic reproductions of period civilian and military costuming, armour, weapons, and regalia, for the Armed Forces, museums, historic sites, historical re-enactment groups, collectors, the performing arts and the everyday historian.

The business is directed toward several areas:

  • Contemporary Armed Forces — Concentration on dress uniforms and ceremonial accoutrements.
  • Museums and Historic Sites — Supply of accurate reproductions of costume, accoutrements and weapons for historical display and animation.
  • Historical Re-enactors — Supply, renovation and repair of period accoutrements and weapons.
  • Theatre Arts — Production and/or supply of costumes, props and stage weapons for theatre and film.